Kids Ride Shotgun release new pro handlebar for MTB families
In case you missed it, last year, the guys and gals from Kids Ride Shotgun released their new shotgun pro-child seat. Built for kids 2-5 years, the pro seat was an evolution on their original shotgun mountain bike seat, featuring zero frame contact, and most importantly – quick release fitting.
Today the brand has released their new pro handlebars to match the pro seat, providing a rad-looking quick-release handlebar option for mountain bike parents.

Being quick release, the new pro bars from shotgun create an instant cockpit setup for your toddler, and most importantly, stop your little one from playing with your brakes and dropper post whilst you shred the trails together.

The extra-wide bars feature custom undersized 19mm grips specifically designed for little hands and incorporate the same styling from the pro seat.

The new bars are available as a combo with the shotgun pro-child seat, or stand-alone for those with a child seat already. Mountain bike parents can get them from their local bike shop, or order at

- Shotgun Pro Child Bike Seat Handlebars – RRP $100 AUD
- Shotgun Pro Child Bike Seat + Handlebars Combo – RRP $490 AUD